Beautiful blooms, organic produce and vintage bric-a-brac at The Somerset Flower Farm

One of my little luxuries is to have fresh flowers around our home, and I have always longed to take my boys to a local flower farm to show them where flowers really come from. So we took a trip to The Somerset Flower Farm near Wrington and were utterly spoilt.
Rows of beautiful blooms in every colour you could imagine. Dahlia’s that make you gasp and hydrangeas that you need two hands to hold. Seedlings being cultivated for next year in the greenhouses and a bunting clad awning to admire, where the farmers take a rest for a cup of tea.
The kind farmer spent nearly an hour with us, chatting whilst working, talking the boys through how they plant and tend to the flowers and even picked an apple for them to eat, straight from a little tree in the field.
The flower farm shop has a magical quality with a host of vintage bric-a-brac and crates to buy. There are buckets bursting with stems amongst antique treasures. All the flowers are organically grown so would be perfect for prettying up your recipes at home. You can also pop across the courtyard to the organic farm shop which sells meat, fruit, vegetables and eggs.
We were even lucky enough to have a peek in a barn at the baby turkeys, who were almost ready to take over the field next door to the flowers. I know where I shall be heading for my Christmas turkey this year!
All photos by Lucy Heath